Have you ever been in a relationship that felt one way? A relationship where you gave, and gave… and gave… but you felt like you got nothing in return? Sure doesn’t feel good does it? This kind of relationship may be ok if your walking a friend through a difficult season or mentoring them. But to pour in long term and not receive any relationship back can be unhealthy on both sides. In a recent revelation I had recently; what if this is your relationship with Jesus?
Ouch hey? Do you look at the Lord like a genie in a bottle expecting Him to answer your prayers exactly as you want Him to? Do you blabber on and on to Him without ever stopping to listen? Or maybe you don’t come to Him at all feeling like He doesn’t care…
Time is precious
Kids, work, and expectations of life can be all consuming leaving us room for very little else in our lives. How could we even make time to stop and listen to a God that feels silent? But the truth is He is ever talking, calling, always pursuing! He aches for you to stop and spend time with Him in relationship. To give Him your time. Trusting Him enough to come to Him in obedience. To give Him your focus above all else. That is where life falls into place; when you give your time to rest and listen to your good, good Father. He desires to be your absolute first. He aches to be your best friend above all else. Don’t let this relationship be one sided my beautiful friend. It is not worth the cost.
Years ago I saw a demonstration of a vase filled up with sand (the busyness life brings). Trying to add fruit (the Holy Spirit) to this vase with all the sand, the fruit just didn’t fit! But as they put the fruit in the vase first, the sand miraculously fit. All of it! The vase became full of purpose and truth while still having room for all the tasks of life.
When we put God first in our lives, everything else falls into place. But if we take God and His word out of our everyday lives, well, it just becomes sinking sand loosing all purpose and meaning. There is no time left for Him.
Finding rest
I find when I finally stop to spend an hour with worship music and my bible, even a pen and paper, I become refocused. I get receive direction from the Lord feeling restored and anxiety flees. And as I give Him my time, He blesses me with more time. I cant even explain it but its true!
So take time in your day to stop, listen, and rest in His presence. Read His word. The word of God is God breathed. That is where you find victory over the fears and worries of life. This is where your relationship becomes two way.
Jesus is quick to listen when we come in repentance. Trust Him with all He has in store for you. His deep love for you has set you free. Hard to receive isn’t it? Opening up our hearts to this amazing relationship may be the hardest thing you ever will do, especially if you have been deeply wounded. This song just says it all.
How can you make room in your day to read the word of God and come into His amazing presence daily? He is pursuing you… will you respond? Sign up below for more regular encouragement, right to your inbox!
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