“Consider now, for the Lord has chosen you to build a house as the sanctuary. Be strong and do the work” 1 Chronicles 28:10. But, what does this mean anyway?
We are called to a greater purpose above our own understanding. The book I just finished writing, working endlessly for the past seven months, I felt like I just needed to write it. Like a compelling love for what God has called me to. Have you ever experienced this?
I feel like when we follow the Lords leading, His passions are laid on our hearts. So much so that it doesn’t feel like work! We are just passionate about where He is calling us. It is a sacrifice, yes, but we don’t mind because it is in us! Almost like it consumes us.
Where are you being lead? Are you in His word everyday? Are you praying to have His compelling passions laid on your heart? Maybe the compelling love you have is for taking care of your kids. Maybe it’s for your workplace. Or maybe it’s bringing hope into the hopeless lives in your community. Whatever it is… “Be strong and do the work!” Not on your own strength, but relying on the Lord for His never-ending strength for each day, for His mercies are new every day. For where we are weak He is strong…
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angelablock says
Thanks friend! Aww, such a great confirmation:). So excited for what the Lord has in store for you!
Henry Rempel says
Thank you
Jennifer Kessler says
AMAZING post. I have, and currently am, totally consumed by His calling for me too! ❤️