Easter is NOT Passover. And Passover is not Easter.
What does celebrating Passover mean? And why do we celebrate Easter then?
The first passover started when the Israelites were getting ready to be released from their oppressors and flee from Egypt. Our Heavenly Father called His people to take a perfect lamb (without defect), slaughter it at dusk on the appointed day, smear the blood of the Lamb over their doorpost of their home and then eat the meat along with bitter herbs and matzah (unleavened bread) that night in their home. That became the first commanded Passover as the blood over the doorposts was a sign that YHWH (God) would passover their homes and spare them from the plague of death that would kill all the firstborn in Egypt.
From then on it was commanded it would be a day each year to celebrate and remember as a festival to the Lord and all He had done for His people followed by a week of matzah (fasting from unleavened bread).
But the amazing part about this is…
This was also the appointed time that Yeshua died on the cross so many years later! He became our Passover Lamb… on Passover!
He, without blemish or sin was sacrificed on passover and His blood shed on the cross saved us from sin and death!
And did you know what we know as the “Lords supper” was actually Yeshua celebrating passover with His 12 disciples (Matt 26:17-19) right before He was crucified? The matzah and wine He shared with His disciples was the beginning of the new covenant the Lord made with His people sealed by His perfect blood a few hours later.
As the veil was torn from the top down upon His passing in the temple meant that now we could come directly into the presence of our Heavenly Father through the blood of Yeshua that cleanses us (it used to be that the High priests could only go into the Holy of Holies in the temple if they were throughly cleansed). Yeshua became our High
Priest advocating for us to The Father.
This was always our Heavenly Fathers plan from the beginning; to be in relationship with Him for all eternity. Knowing we could not fulfill the law perfectly (sin cannot come into the perfect and Holy presence of God), He had always planned to make a way through His Son Yeshua.
Through accepting the perfect blood of Yeshua, we no longer need to do the animal blood sacrifices the cleansing rituals the law required to be cleansed to come into the presence of our Heavenly Father- Adonai our Almighty God.
When we accept Yeshua as our Savior, and turn away from sin, we enter into relationship with our Heavenly Father as His children adopted into His Kingdom for all eternity and His Spirit (the Holy Spirit) is our helper to bring us comfort, truth and understanding. His beautiful laws and commands become a fence of protection and understanding on how to do life well. They expose the sin in our lives that keep us from His beautiful presence.
“If you love me, you will keep my commands;” ~John 14:15
Why do I share this?
Because, my Friends… Easter is not Passover (have you researched the roots of easter?) We are called to celebrate the Passover. Even Yeshua did! And He was our Passover Lamb!
These my friends are the appointed Holy times commanded by God (Levitcus 23). They have so much more meaning and opportunity to teach us our Heavenly Father and exalt Him for His goodness and faithfulness.
Because in this broken world that seems to be falling apart we have hope for an eternity with our beautiful Savior. He’s coming back for a pure bride. We need His perfect blood to cleanse us. We are cleansed when we surrender our lives to Him and recognize the sin in our lives, ask for forgiveness and live according to His commands.
Praying you experience our beautiful Passover Lamb in a new way this Year, friend.
Want to know how to celebrate Passover this year? Set the dining table and gather around with the sedar plate and read the scriptures as you go. Here is a Passover resource in my freebies page I have put together for you to help make it fun and simple! Pop your email in to gain access.