Broken homes
What gives you peace?
How can we create a home for our family that feels like grandma’s house? A home where our heart feels safe and settled?
Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ Matthew 22:37-38
How to create a home where your heart finds peace
- Live out a life of faith in Christ
- Redesign your space to feel fresh, cozy, and inviting
- Unclutter your home
- Organize your stuff so everything has a place to go for quick and easy cleanup
- Have easy yummy food on hand to welcome any extra mouths that may walk in the door (even if the food comes out of the freezer)
- Welcome people in with open arms
- Relax and enjoy the chaos
- Put down the screens and spend time together
- Pray throughout your home to change the atmosphere
- Pray together as a family
- Have scripture written on your wall on a chalkboard or art as an anchor and reminder as you go about your day
- Be consistent in how you react so your family knows what to expect as they walk in the door to feel safe and secure in their everyday lives (we all have moments, that’s ok! But deal with your heart issues to find peace so you can pour out love)
- Find time to rest and breathe so you can enjoy moments with those you love
- Simplify your schedule to make time to rest and play as a family
- Clean your kitchen;)
We can’t go through life keeping everything perfect in the home. Life happens. But what we can do is create a consistent, enjoyable, stable environment where everyone enjoys coming home and spending their time making memories together. Freedom to move around instead of running from the chaos that surrounds them in this broken upside down world we are in.
I want to always be excited to invite someone over without worrying about my house not measuring up. A few years back, I even didn’t let my friend come in the door because I felt my house was too messy. It makes me sad to think about it now. I would bring her in messy or not, without worrying about feeling judged. A perfect home shouldn’t matter but the gift of hospitality should.
Our homes can be a refuge for us and others from the crazy of this world. It can be a place where we can rest, enjoy our family, always ready with a door wide open to have people over to share good conversation and good food. A place where hearts can feel safe to be who they were created to be.
We may not have the strength to create a home full of heart and that’s ok. When Christ is at the center of our lives, He gives us the strength we need and brings peace to our homes. Even when our home feels like it’s falling apart.
Print off your own Home is where the heart is printable!
Lord may you resonate in our homes and our hearts to create a safe home full of consistency and love for one another or anyone else that may walk in the door. Bring our family together today in your love and may we be able to create a peaceful relaxed space that everyone can rest their head and have a quiet space to spend time with you and create amazing memories together. In Jesus name, amen.
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