Hosting a party this season? Add a hot chocolate bar to make your party fun and festive. The kids will love it. Maybe even the kid inside of you will love it! Here is a list to simplify your chocolatey party experience.
Do you have a Christmas baby to celebrate in December? We do, and this year due to a season of unexpected life surprises, I did not have it all together to plan his party early like I usually do. I gave him the option to wait and we could do something more fun and pretty. My son did not want to wait until after Christmas to celebrate his party so an impromptu birthday party it was. Keeping it simple, he looked around and said, “we can have a Christmas themed party, look, it’s already decorated!” That’s when we popped on Pinterest and came up with this hot chocolate bar to make it fun.
Birthday parties in Dec can be a difficult task with all the busy of the Christmas season, so I usually like to plan my son’s party a month before or after Christmas. We have even celebrated his birthday party in August when he requested a beach theme. Who says your party has to be on your birthday???
So to make this party as simple as possible, this amazing crockpot hot chocolate recipe by No Biggie made it a breeze. I prepped it earlier in the day so it was ready and easy for our young guests to grab. It was so yummy, and not a drop was leftover!
Your chocolatey goodness party list
-Crockpot hot chocolate recipe ingredients by No Biggie;
- milk
- heavy cream
- sweetened condensed milk
- milk chocolate chips
- vanilla
-Candy cane paper plates and napkins
-Sweat treat toppings. You can get creative here but this is my recommended list;
- Skor bits
- White chocolate chips
- Crushed or whole candy canes
- Marshmallows
- Chocolate flakes
- Sprinkles
-Mason jars to put the toppings in
-Scoops or cute little spoons
-Raffie or ribbon to tie the labels onto the mason jars
-Labels by Grape did it are super cute and free to print
-Caramel sauce (could be homemade if you get ambitious)
-Chocolate sauce
-Fun mugs or paper cups to make life easy
You dont have to add these Reindeers to your hot chocolate bar but they sure are fun inspired by yummy Eats amazing. They were super quick and easy to assemble. We handed them out instead of goodie bags.
Feel free to follow my Pinterest board for more party inspiration.
Chocolate pancakes really have nothing to do with a hot chocolate party, and they really aren’t a cake either, but my son requested chocolate pancakes. Why? I am not sure… but they do remind me of Christmas morning, so maybe they do just work with our Christmas themed party.:) I used this fun oreo based recipe by Kirbie craving as inspiration for our yummy pancake cake.
Be inspired friend to throw on a crockpot full of hot chocolate and open your door to your neighbours and loved ones this Christmas season! Sign up below for more inspiration right to your inbox!
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