“If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand” Mark 3:24
A nation divided
“Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity” 1 Timothy 2:2
Las Vegas
Broken places
Our battle is not against flesh and blood
The truth is there is that nothing in this world can satisfy us. That is why we need our Savior to meet our hearts, transform us from the inside out. To show us His love and mercy. For love heals a multitude of sins.
So how do we make a change? We need to start in our own homes…
How to break the division in our homes
- Tell the person who hurt you how you are feeling and why. Do this in a gentle timely manner. They may not respond well and that’s OK. You have released yourself and offered a bridge
- Choose to forgive them even if their reaction is not always what you hope they will be
- Continue to respond in love. Lay down your own selfish desires so pride cannot take a hold. That does not mean being taken advantage of..it just means to respond with grace. Be honest and loving. Healthy boundaries are important.
Mercy Definition:
Compassion or forgiveness shown toward someone whom it is within one’s power to punish or harm
Love is a choice. We can choose love even when people are least deserving. That’s mercy. Its got to start in our own hearts and homes. That’s when we find freedom from division and heal our land.
We can choose forgiveness and gracefully live out mercy for one another. To be honest and share the love of Jesus the way He shared His love with us.
We think the ones we love the most should know better. But unless we are the ones to forgive, where would the healing even begin?
Forgiveness has to start with meClick To Tweet
Thank you! Many blessings and prayers to you too 🙂
My heart, thoughts and prayers go to you and your family. God’s blessings, peace and grace be yours. In abundance.