Are you daily beaten down with the lies of not feeling worthy or good enough? Trying desperately to earn the approval of others without success? Well… I have good news I feel you need to hear today…
You are beautiful. You are worthy in Christ. You are enough. Click To Tweet
Let that truth sink in a moment
I grew up hearing and singing Jesus loves you… but still felt unworthy. Trying desperately to earn my worth from peoples’ approval. I tried to please them so they would love me.
I still have moments where I battle those feelings. But there is only hurt in that lie because people are fickle. I learned the hard way that I will never measure up to man’s standards. That’s why the Bible says to serve Christ not man (Eph 6:7).
In this world full of criticism and judgment, we find ourselves scrambling to meet the approval of others. We try to keep up with the Joneses just to be noticed or find our worth. We compete with one another to measure up to this worlds broken standards.
But the truth is… there is only one you.
The truth of your identity
You are uniquely created. There is only one you... and you are beautiful.Click To Tweet
Inspired by reading “Without Rival” by Lisa Bevere, I feel called to bring you the heart of Christ today.
We flourish when we receive the truth of God’s love. Something amazing happens when this head knowledge hits your heart…
Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong. And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is. May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God. -(NLT) Ephesians 3:17-19
We cannot live to earn approval from man. We cannot earn our Heavenly Fathers approval. He loves us just as we are!
When we finally breakthrough the lies of the enemy that we are not worthy or good enough, and rest in the Fathers great love for us, we flourish! We find our identity in Christ, not man.
Our confidence rises when we find our worth in the only eyes that matter. His love fills our heart and we soar in His presence.
5 points to ponder
- There is only one you
- Stop comparing and start being you
- You cannot earn your way to approval
- You are beautiful
- You are redeemed
Receiving this truth will help you rise in your purpose you were created for by using your gifts to inspire others.
Receiving the truth of your identity
We cannot do this alone. It is only through the power of the Holy Spirit that helps us understand the truth of our Heavenly Fathers great love for us. I have gone through some Godly counsel to heal from the lies of the enemy. To grasp the truth of my identity in our heavenly Father. I encourage you to do the same if this is your battle. But today, I pray this truth begins to open your heart to walk in the freedom His love brings.
Christ makes all things beautiful in His time. He takes ashes and makes them beautiful. He has good plans for your unique story. Nothing is wasted. There is a peace in knowing this.
Trust His sweet promises for you as He sings over you. You are worthy, you are enough, and that my friend is enough for today. And tomorrow? Trust and stand on the promises for tomorrow and the next day and the next…
Ready for more?
I encourage you to take 5 mins with a pen and paper or a fav journal. Hide in your bathroom or pantry to find a quiet space if you need to (that is where us mamas used to hide out from our little people to take a break.. if they don’t find you!;)). Rest in the Fathers love for you and ask Him these questions;
- What is my identity?
- Who am I?
- What are the lies I have believed?
- Confess those lies and ask for forgiveness. This is a powerful tool to being set free.
- What is the truth of who I am?
- Claim and say these truths out loud- like a prayer. Again this is powerful tool in restoring who we are to move forward in freedom
I have made a pretty printable with these questions and scripture truths to pin up just for you. Grab yours here (gain access by signing up for my newsletter and join my VIP!)
Ask the heavenly Father to speak to your heart… Those silent whispers you hear… write those down. Jesus is speaking to your heart. Crazy huh?
It can be easy to drown Him out with the busy and distractions of life. But if we stop and listen… we find out He is speaking.
Lord, I pray Your protection over my mind. Shield me from the lies of the enemy. Help me to clearly discern between Your voice and any other, and show me how to take every thought captive as You have instructed us to do. May I thirst for Your Word and hunger for Your truth so that I can recognize wrong thinking. Give me the strength to resist lying thoughts. Remind me that I have the mind of Christ. Where the enemy’s lies have already invaded my thoughts, I push them back by inviting the power of the Holy Spirit to cleanse my mind. Lord, You have given me authority over all the power of the enemy (Luke 10:19) By that authority given to me in Jesus Christ, I command all lying spirits away from my mind. I proclaim that God has given me a sound mind. I will not entertain confusion but live in clarity. I will not be tormented with impure, evil, negative or sinful thoughts but be transformed by renewing of my mind that I may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. (Rom 12:2)Enable me to “be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might” (Eph 6:10) Help me to be anxious for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication, with prayer let my requests be made known to You and may Your peace, which surpasses all understanding, guard my heart and mind through Christ Jesus (Phill 4:6;7) and finally, whatever things are true, noble, just, pure, lovely, having virtue, or anything praiseworthy, let me think on these things. (Phill 4:8)
We become prickly and dead when we believe the lies of the enemy, when we run from the Fathers love… But when run into His arms, we become beautiful reflecting His glory. We become set free to live out our purpose! Stand on His promise for you today.
Are you ready to receive this truth today? Sign up below for more encouraging updates to restore your heart and home.
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