I have to admit, I have felt a little uneasy about beginning a new year because I feel slightly stressed out about the workload ahead… A new year means fresh new beginnings which is exciting and also can feel slightly terrifying when you know you have big amazing things ahead to accomplish.
Feeling stressed out
I know I have some work ahead to get my book off the ground, get organized for a full year of renovations, and make time to connect with all of you who I love so dearly. My issue is not that I don’t want to do it, its quite the opposite actually. It is that I don’t always know where to start and I pray for more time to do it all because I love everything I do so much! But as you probably know, when the workload is big, so is the list, and when the list is too big we break and don’t want to do any of it. Am I right?
It feels like there is never enough time…
Unfortunately, time gets away on me as parenting 4 teen kids is a full-time job in itself, and so is taking care of our household, let alone room for all the other things ahead. Can you relate to this? So how do we sort through all the crazy demands of life?
That’s it! That is the answer! Our church is going into a full season of prayer right now. What better way to start the year off right than giving it all to the Lord.
“Commit your plans to the Lord and you will succeed” Proverbs 16:3, “The prayers of a righteous man are powerful and effective” James 5:16. I could go on and on… but you get the idea right?
So taking a couple of weeks off of the distractions of life to lean in, pray, fast, and listen in… then finishing it off by taking a couple of hours to create a vision board for your life and set goals for your year. Set those goals based on what is your vision for the future, then create room for what is pressing on your heart to be the most important for this year and what fits in with your vision for your life. This is where we find success and we move forward with confidence knowing the days ahead are being used powerfully and effectively. Share this vision with our spouse so you are both on the same page and can collaborate together and support and encourage one another. Even share it with your kids so they are invested in it as well!
This is where we can start. This helps us to refocus, place our priorities in line for what we are called to for this new season while letting go of what doesn’t fit within those goals. The best part about it being a new year? It is a great time for a fresh start, letting go of last years mistakes and struggles. And I can tell you, now that I am well into my week of prayer focus, I am seeing new vision for the future and feeling refreshed and ready for a new start with exciting new breakthroughs in all areas of my life. Let’s make 2019 a breakthrough year knowing we are walking forward with intention into great new adventures! Now how do we do this?
Creating vision for our lives and how to set goals
- Spend time in prayer, fasting from something that distracts you, and in the word of the Lord. Worship always helps too
- Write down anything that comes to mind and
pray through it - Set vision for your life. What are your life goals? What are your goals for the next five years? For the year ahead?
- Make a list of what your goals are for this year spiritually, physically, emotionally, financially, work, people, marriage, and personal self-care
- Make monthly goals for each of these things. Break down simple ideas on what will help you accomplish these goals
The best part about creating these goals is to look back at the end of the year at what you have accomplished and it can be quite amazing how easy it is to do these things when you have intentionally set out to accomplish these things. You can also move forward with confidence knowing your heading in the right direction. Click here for your free 2019 goal setting page!
You can do this friend! Pop your email below for access to your free goal setting list!
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